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Old 03-23-2010, 04:19 PM
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Jeanfromfillmore Jeanfromfillmore is offline
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Originally Posted by PochoPatriot View Post
Curious. Since these are being run through ALIPAC, would an organizer have to toe ALIPAC's party line on various patriots that are out of favor with William Gheen?

I would be interested in getting something going for the Federal building. I am just not sure I want to carry a bunch of ALIPAC luggage too.
Just ignore the fact that Gheen has piggybacked on with the Tea Party people and if you can attend, support any gathering that fights illegal aliens. We all use any opportunity to gather like minded people. It seems that the only time so many will get out and do any activism is when it hits their pocket book. Everything else, the greater population expect 'others' to take up the cause and fight their battles. The illegals don't seem to have a problem with getting out and protesting, but they're much better funded.

I've been researching some of the Nonprofits along with where they're getting their money and what they're doing with it. Please take the time to review what I've come up with and posted. Until we know our enemy and where they're getting their resources we don't know who and what to address. I'd like to expose the root of our problem and take our activism directly to who is supporting it, just like ACORN was exposed. I hope the rest of you will support me in that.
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