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Old 11-04-2010, 09:55 AM
Eagle1 Eagle1 is offline
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Join Date: Oct 2009
Posts: 406

I am planning to leave California as well. The problem is that I may be caught in a trap. I have two homes here (neither of which is worth anything now)
and just how do you sell a home these days particularly in California.

About a week ago I visited my spare home and found that vandals had stripped
it of its main entrance wiring. This is expensive copper wiring that goes from the electrical meter to the breaker box on the side of the house.

The thieves left everything undisturbed but cut through metal conduit and
ripped out wood skirting to get at this item. It would cost close to $2k to fix this but luckily I know how to do the work.

I believe it was done by some of the localillegals in the construction trade
but I cannot prove this.

I am enraged by what California has become....a state full of thieves, welfare recipients and deadbeats coddled by politicians and untouched by local police.

Hearing that Brown, who has promised the illegals in state tuition has become our Governor, is certainly the last straw for me.

California has tremendous potential for a come back but it appears that the majority of the population is too stupid to free itself of the politicians that have ruined this state.

I have met scores of Californians who abandoned this sinking ship years ago and now live in at least a less desirable climate weather wise, but who are quite happy due to less crime and such.

I'm done with it folks. I do not want to fund this bs anymore.

We will see if I can get out or if like a hapless mouse I am caught in a trap and cannot get out without chewing my foot off.
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