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Old 03-24-2010, 11:29 AM
Don Don is offline
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Join Date: Nov 2009
Posts: 649

Latino students have been pulling this kind of stuff for years on college and even high school campuses.

One of their more widely used tactics is to steal and destroy school newspapers with which they disagree. They have also threatened physical violence against other students who write things they don't want read.

Tim Bueller was a high school student who was threatened by Latino thugs and the school called the SWAT team to protect him. He related his story on talk radio.

The LA Times had a article about a chinese high schooler who wrote a school paper editorial bemoaning the fact that low Latino test scores reduced the school's average scores and damaged the chances of others to get accepted in high end colleges. The school Latinos threatened to beat him up instead of studying harder and earning higher test scores the way we were taught to do. (What else?) The gist of the story was handwringing about "racial tensions" and of course it had the obligatory interview with the Historically Oppressed Race (HOR) victim, in this case a Latina who was "fiercely proud" of her Hispanic heritage. The Chinese kid went on to Standford or Harvard and the "proud" Latina went back to work trying to pass freshman English that she had failed three times.

These Latino law students are no better than mad dogs. God help us when they get appointed to judgeships and you have to appear in front of them in court. The only good news is that they have high failure rates of state bar exams. Mayor Villarigosa failed the California State Bar four times before giving up. The problem is that by sheer weight of numbers they will eventually lower standards so much that even the majority of Latino Law Student mobs will be eased into the profession to wreak further destruction on our civilization.
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