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Old 11-17-2009, 10:56 AM
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JB_Parrothead JB_Parrothead is offline
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Location: Mexifornia
Posts: 48

Originally Posted by Jeanfromfillmore View Post
The Head Start program in Filmore is only available to the migrant farm workers, who are mostly illegal. I had a friend here in town about eight years ago who was a single father. He was an American Hispanic and tried to get his son in the Head Start Program. They refused to let his son in because he wasn't a migrant. It took a whole lot of yelling and screaming by my friend to get his son signed up. He couldn't believe that the illegals were being taken better care of than our own citizens. Many of the Hispanics here in Filmore detest the illegals being here.
Then why don't MORE of them get loud and more vocal about it to the media? In my opinion, too many of them sit back in the shadows and mumble about it, but don't really want to get involved because they're afraid of being called, "vendidos." They kinda play both sides of the fence so as not to draw any attention to themselves. JMHO. I live in an area heavily populated by American born Hispanics and they won't say a word against illegal immigration here and admit they're afraid to because of the backlash they'll get from Hispanic illegals and illegal alien supporters.
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