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Old 12-11-2010, 02:01 PM
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Recently, another Tennessee legislator, Republican Curry Todd, who supports strict immigration measures, gained notoriety when he said that illegal immigrants “multiply like rats.” Todd later apologized for the comment, but maintains his opposition to illegal immigration.
Originally Posted by Twoller View Post

Is there really a friendly way to describe the way that immigrants, legal or otherwise reproduce in this country? It is almost as though they have children as an act of vandalism. The pop them out in a frenzy and then they drape them all over the place, in schools, on the streets and it's like they are saying, "See? What are you going to do about it? Nothing!" It is an act of contempt. And then people brag about how they are "family oriented". Sorry, my idea of raising a family suggest a little more reflection on the needs of the children and illegals clearly imagine that this is not their problem.
There wasn't any mention of being friendly. However, the comment was tacky in my view. And there are people with thin skinned agenda who will run with it, and others who want to chirp from the other direction.

For some people, having sex is the only entertainment they have, and obviously that's not just limited to far back woods people in Louisiana or Mississippi.

For decades sex was the entertainment I wanted most out of many entertainments available to me - I couldn't get enough. That combined with overwhelming curiousity which went beyond my household about the subject is a substantial portion of how I became a divorcee. However, I had the foresight to get a vasectomy after fathering two children.

I don't believe Mexican nationals generally have a plan beyond tonight, unless it involves a party on the weekend. So, I don't believe illegals collectively have a conscious plan to rub gavacho noses in their large families, children happen. The out breeding whites idea comes from pretend Mexican "Latino activists" who are Americanized and educated enough to actually agree on a long range plan involving someone else, not a bunch of worn out Mexican women with too many children to feed, clothe, and chase after.

And it doesn't help that the Vatican has only within the last couple of weeks come around to the notion of using condoms to prevent HIV, not pregnancy.
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Last edited by ilbegone; 12-11-2010 at 02:19 PM.
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