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Old 09-13-2011, 03:13 AM
wetibbe wetibbe is offline
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Default Another viewpoint.

Susan Martinez is probably Governor because she has Mexican ancestry. Bill Richardson, her predecessor, was also "Mexican". BUT - she is a Republican and he is a Democrat !!!!!!!

They get elected because the population of Latinos/Hispanics is increasing. And because the illegals vote also. New Mexico is presently investigating 40,000 cases of voter fraud.

Lupe Moreno's father was a Mexican human trafficker. As a young teen ager she was involved up to her eyebrows. And now she is a vociferous activist dead set against illegal immigration.

So it all depends. Man *( and woman ) is a product of heredity and environment. There are lots of Latino/Hispanic Republicans. Marco Rubio is a good example. As is the group " You Don't Speak For Me".

When the bad Latinos out number the good Latinos you get Antonio Villaraigosa.

The predictions are that in the next 4 - 5 decade the minorities will become the majorities ! All the more reason to control immigration.

Here's a question for you. Why has there never been a Native American President or Governor? After all they were the FIRST Americans and Mexicans are intruder foreigners ? The Liberals make a big hullabaloo about the first black President but blacks came AFTER Native Americans.
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