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Old 04-22-2011, 10:42 PM
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Ayatollahgondola Ayatollahgondola is offline
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Originally Posted by ilbegone View Post
About 5 or six years ago I was working with a whole scad of Mexicans in the Coachella Valley (significant number illegal), one of them told me a story about working in Alaska several times in the seafood industry while being illegal, and he wasn't the only illegal in his story by any means.

Just prior to that, I was in Southern Washington for a month or so, it seemed to me that it was about equal thirds of loggers, hippies, and "crossed the southern border last night" looking people who weren't fluent with King Georges' English.

However, the subject was a police officer. He had to communicate exceptionally well in English, write reports, he had to fit in. He wasn't some chuntaro with three generations living in his house with the garage converted into an apartment for the primos. No goats, chickens, and he probably didn't wear a Tejano and cowboy boots. And, if he did listen to Ranchera music, for sure he didn't blare it around town at 9000 decibels in a beat up car worth less than an impound fee.

He was probably brought to the US real young.
Washington state,...yes, no surprise there. The fishing fleet...again, no surprise there. Working off shore is somewhat different. Your ship can be registered in many countries, and admiralty law plays a big part in labor aboard.
But mainland Alaska...not many mecksicans yet. I don't think they like the cold, nor do they stand up to cabin fever well. Mexicans are too social to be couped up alone for long.
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