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Old 03-25-2013, 04:38 AM
wetibbe wetibbe is offline
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Not hard to understand; they release and mollycoddle illegals because they want the country overrun with foreigners of their choosing. They use checkpoints under the premise of enforcing immigration laws to further condition people for a police state of their choosing

I still don't get it. There is more to this than the eye can see.

The duplicitous Obama ASH kissers are one thing, towing the line to keep their jobs. As any moron knows, oppose the Boss and you are history.

This administration is openly catering to the sick, left, liberals and illegals as well as their seemingly abundant supporters.

Yet some of the boots on the ground CBP agents are trying their best to do their jobs.

There is duplicity. It just does not add up in any manner.

I'll be happy to elaborate.
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