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Old 03-03-2010, 08:46 AM
PochoPatriot PochoPatriot is offline
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Originally Posted by Twoller View Post
More lying, misrepresentation and spin. There is nothing to you. You are a tube.
This is nothing but ad hominem. Do you, and your ilk, have a reasonable response to the points made?

Originally Posted by Twoller View Post
As long as people continue to defend illegal immigrants and their enablers and evoke sympathy for them at this forum, then it should be the best strategy to provoke the more natural revulsion for them. Nobody posting here should be required to stand by peacably while other posters evoke sympathy for illegal immigrants, anchor babies and other frauds commited against real US citizenship.
Who exactly is attempting to "evoke sympathy" for illegal aliens? What has been asked is that the rhetoric from you, and your ilk, be toned down. I do not think that request is unreasonable.

Yes, you should be required to stand by peaceably. The purpose of this group is to make changes peaceably. If that does not line up with your agenda, then perhaps another board will do the trick for you, and your ilk.

ibegone is correct in his assessment of your posts. They are are hateful and uncivilized. While we may abhor what they do and have done to this country, they are still people, and, in my view, children of God. As such, they must be accorded respect and dignity. If you are unable to do that, then I am sure that there are other boards that would welcome you, and your ilk.

Many years ago, I heard Doug McIntyre say that he would not join the border security movement groups because of the propensity for these groups to attract racist people into their midst. When I first heard this I scoffed at it. I remember thinking that he must be a RINO (like some of you think). However, the longer I have been in the border security movement, the more I have seen his thoughts come to fruition. There are people like that in this movement, and they MUST be dealt with.

I have been called a person that hates whites. Why? Simply because I stand up and say that certain statements have racial and ethnic overtones. I find this laughable. I look at what a person does and not what skin color he/she has. Their actions are what I base my critique upon, and not the accident of skin pigmentation.

If dehumanizing people is part of your strategy, then I will not be a part of it, and I will will fight you every time you post that sort of trash. That stuff is best left in the past with the Nazis, the Khmer Rouge, and other ethnic cleansing campaigns.
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