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Old 12-15-2009, 07:40 AM
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Originally Posted by Don View Post
You may want to read some history books.

Muslims have been the enemies of Western Civilization since the 8th century. For centuries they murdered and enslaved white Europeans. The Muslim slave raiding expeditions into Europe and the flourishing Muslim slave trade in white people pre-dated the better known African slave trade about which we hear so much.

For more than one thousand years, their "religion" has been based on domination of, killing, enslaving and conquering of non-Muslims. The outrage is not that people dislike Muslims, but that they're in our country at all.
History books are full of information about people at odds with each other over religion. It was not confined to Muslims.
California has included protections for the practice of religion, and SOS supports the constitution:


SEC. 4. Free exercise and enjoyment of religion without
discrimination or preference are guaranteed. This liberty of
conscience does not excuse acts that are licentious or inconsistent
with the peace or safety of the State
. The Legislature shall make no
law respecting an establishment of religion.
A person is not incompetent to be a witness or juror because of
his or her opinions on religious beliefs.
That highlighted portion applies here also. If you associate with SOS, you must accept that you may also associate with others here who practice a religion that you do not. If someone commits acts or engages in an agenda that is not consistent with the peace or safety of the state, then we give them an opportunity to correct the offense. If they continue that agenda then they obviously do not support and agree with Save Our State's agenda or values, and would be best practicing their religion elsewhere. I'm not sure why anyone would would want to say they support and were an associate of SOS if we had plainly stated values and agendas that passionately conflict with their own, but it is possible that it may have been born out of curiousity, confusion, or even subtrifuge. In any case, we are here to support our targeted class of people, and that would include the confused, the curious, and the devious until they exhibit behavior that was deemed harmful to the organization to the point they should be restricted or repulsed. Until then, they are as welcome as anyone else who states they are in agreement with us.
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