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Old 09-08-2010, 02:00 PM is offline
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Originally Posted by ilbegone View Post
I keep saying it...

Brown supremacists need "evidence" of "white bigotry".

All it takes is just one of those nazi goofballs to show up and the media jumps on it when they would otherwise ignore the crowd. The issue of illegal migration morphs into that of racial hatred. Race obsessed "Latino activists" smear border control advocates and paint a picture of "the white man is out to get YOU!" to their target audience.

The most key point to your assertions is the quotes around evidence.

Evidence? Only the most scant is required, and anything that's missing from substance they'll be more than happy to fill in with sh - - they've made up out of whole cloth.

To the most rabid on the Left, of the type that repeatedly confront or oppose us at our public appearances, here is the "evidence" of our racism - A) We're Caucasians who B) disagree with them. And to any SOS member who does not fall into category "A," be advised that your problem is that you're a house slave/coconut/race traitor/Tom/Tio Taco who is embarrassed by, or in denial of, your heritage.

The point: We will never convince the most rabidly opposed to employment and immigration law enforcement otherwise. Never. The value of your actions and the merits of what you have to say count for nothing. Their minds and hearts are made up. They will accuse us of racism to the bitter end.

Therefore, attempting to "look good" in front of the enemy is practically pointless. It's like trying to keep the extremist Muslims happy by shutting up this would-be Quran burning pastor in Florida. Folks, they hate us already and what we do or don't do won't convince them to love us (outside of maybe killing ourselves)

Just like PAM said, the press is going to interview the old white folks anyway, and somehow, the TV cameras are quite likely to miss the waving Mexican flags and ugly racial invectives being mouthed by the opposition. I've seen it too many times.

Therefore, why do we bother to toss out white supremacists when they try to snake their way into our events? Especially if they're not noticeable.

Because it's the right thing to do. The accusations made about us are not true. We rid ourselves of the bigots in our midst because we're better than the opposition. We don't embrace our worst elements in the same fashion as the Green Party and Socialist folks welcome Brown Berets and Mexica Movement members to their gatherings. We're not with white nationalists because that's not what we're about. Real racism is found among the open borders zealots, not us.
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