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Old 07-29-2010, 04:41 PM is offline
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Originally Posted by PochoPatriot View Post
I understand your view, and I might even agree. However wouldn't ignoring Nightingale be an even greater insult to her, who, we all agree is nothing but an attention whore who will spread for any reporter with a TV camera, microphone or reporter's pad?

I buy a home in a wonderful corner of forested Vermont. Near my home is the bluest most aesthetically pleasing lake I have seen in years. In the winter, the lake freezes over and my wife and I both ice skate on it, while marveling at the surrounding winter beauty. After a couple weeks, my wife falls through a thin spot in the ice we didn't know exists. I immediately race over to where she is to pull her out. As I'm skating over, I fall through the ice as well. We both splash around for what seems like an eternity. Fortunately, we both make it out, but not before acquiring pneumonia from our frigid adventure and low-level frostbite. My wife is so traumatized that we make plans to move away and spend the rest of our lives no further than 100 miles away from the equator, so nothing like this can ever happen again. Fortunately, I land a job in Singapore and immediately put our house in Vermont on the market. My wife, who keeps having "Nam flashbacks" about the lake incident moves immediately to our new destination, to wash the ugly memories away with Southeast Asia moist heat weather. I meanwhile, am packing up the house and doing a little research on the internet. I find that what happened to us has been experienced by many others in one fashion or another. I chalk it up to good fortune that the incident didn't result in anything worse than a hell of a scare, and move on with plans for my new life. As I step outside one day to assist some folks who have purchased a few pieces of furniture that were in our Vermont home living room, I hear their children excitedly talk about their intentions to go ice skating at "the lake" that afternoon. Later in the afternoon, as I am driving by the scene of where I almost drowned, I am incredulous to see no fewer than half a dozen young families and couples laughing and carrying on while appearing to have the time of their lives with their skates, zipping across the same frozen lake terrain I had traveled. No warning sign has been put on any nearby trees. No chain link fence surrounds the property for public safety. No yellow tape with orange cones cordons off the areas where I learned people broke through the ice as my wife and I did.

You know something, in that situation, I feel obligated to pull my car over by the side of the road, walk over to the lake's perimeter, and holler a few warnings to anyone who will listen.

Last edited by; 07-29-2010 at 04:58 PM.
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