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Old 07-25-2010, 09:35 AM is offline
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Originally Posted by Twoller View Post
I'd still like to hear something about Chelene on the issues. Are you saying that she doesn't really support 1070? All the other bad stuff I am hearing about her here doesn't appear to have anything to do with any kind of public issues.

It sounds like all the obvious limitations of her candidacy, which are her availability to regular folks like us, also are generating a lot of personal contempt. I can sympathize, but I'd still like to know where she is falling down on the issues, if at all.

Her position on the issues is largely irrelevant. She's a liar ... to the marrow. The one thing to which Chelene has shown unwavering loyalty has been what she considers her own best interests. Every time, no exceptions. When pushed, she chooses to serve herself. She's sacrificed friendships, nearly destroyed a successful activist entity, and enthusiastically attacked the reputations of folks who were accomplishing a lot more than her in the fight against illegal immigration (Ray and Robin and the Campo folks top that list).

She's willing to have substantial prices paid if she believes it holds for her some manner of benefit. The point being, when push comes to shove, she'll abandon her positions if she thinks such will land her recognition, votes or whatever else she needs to stay in the public eye.

Chelene's welfare, uber alles. That's the governing principle. That's what the record evidences.

However, if you're still curious as to what she's peddling as an office seeker, her stated positions are on her website.

Last edited by; 07-25-2010 at 09:38 AM.
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