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Old 11-11-2014, 07:08 AM
wetibbe wetibbe is offline
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Default Spilling the beans.

Well folks a revelation a minute.

The architect of Obamacare admits that they deliberately hoodwinked the voters. That's an admission of fraud. But by Government. He said it was the stupidity of the American people! Why is he now confessing and insulting the people who supported that administration. This is really twisted, in the twilight zone. Poking a sharp stick in the eye. Gloating about sticking it to us - and to boot he insinuates it was worth it to pass Affordable Care. Somebody's moral compass is broken. *( Translation. You can take your vote and shove it where the sun doesn't shine ). Kinda sounds like the King of England mentality in the 18th Century.

This bolsters the supposition that BO is an uncaring sociopath. We already knew that he is the most dishonest, deceptive, duplicitous President in history.

Look out friends. En garde. Expect ANYTHING and I do mean ANYTHING.

Just one more thing to remember in November 2016. They must be trying to self destruct.

Putin says we are no longer a Constitutional Republic. We have become an Oligarchy. Looks who's talking! Another sanctimonious hypocrite. It takes one to know one

Last edited by wetibbe; 11-11-2014 at 07:16 AM.
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