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Old 05-19-2011, 06:40 PM
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willworkforfood willworkforfood is offline
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Originally Posted by Ayatollahgondola View Post
If I may interject here. We don't do much censoring here, as we believe most people can defend themselves pretty well. But a little advice is given. Most of us are comrades, or at least should be, and there's no reason to get off on the wrong foot with anyone over politics. RIM is as opposed to illegalism as anyone I've seen, and has stood on the streets with many of us in threatening conditions. I know a little banter is standard on internet forums, but usually that kind of teasing is reserved for people who know each other a little first
Standing in threatening conditions, I've had a truck load of drunk illegals try to run me down when I was 13 on a dark country farm road, I've had them stick a knife to my throat when I was 12, I had an adult hispanic male stand on my neck in a public swimming pool and damn near drown! I've had a group of young black males 15 to 20 yrs of age try to stone me to death when I was swimming in the levy at 8yrs old, I've had 6 black males put the boots to me one night at age 9. And you know that was the least of my problems growing up!

I've hated my country most of my life! And recently I have realized I do love my country and will fight for her as though she is my beloved bride! And above said list goes on and on!

And you're right I shouldn't take jabs at users I don't know, but hey she's jabbin' at the only GOP candidate I have that isn't pandering to illegals.
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