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Old 11-30-2009, 02:30 PM
Don Don is offline
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Join Date: Nov 2009
Posts: 649

In 1967 I helped organize a pro-American Viet Nam War rally with Congressmen, local politicos and a Green Beret speaking. A few hundred people showed up. There was one cop. He stood under a shade tree looking at his watch every ten minutes because he was bored and wanted to go home. A few anti-war types showed up, but were courteous and civil. No disruption and no violence

Fast forward 30 years to July 4, 1996 at an Independence Day rally at Westwood at the Federal Bldg. Mexican thugs charged across the street, attacked and threw full can’s of soda pop at us. The cops did nothing.

In 2000, I went again to Westwood on July 4, 2000 and substantially the same thing happened. Mexicans attacked us. Cops did nothing. Only some fancy footwork kept me and others from being severely injured.

After that I basically stopped going to street events/rallies. I have a back back and bad knee. I can't dodge “incoming” objects and defend myself in hand to hand combat with men 1/3 my age. Is it my fault that I should have to?

In 2005 I went to hear Jim Gilchrist speak at the women’s club in Garden Grove, never imagining a small army of them would show up. They did. They attacked people and threw things….and only a small army of cops kept them from killing us.

After than, in San Diego Roger Hedgecock tried organized a townhall event with legislators, authors, etc. to discuss the illegal alien issue and the public school cancelled out because of threats of violence from Mexican thugs. A lawsuit was filed in federal court and the school was ordered to reinstate the contract for the event. Only a small army of police prevented violence. Americans now have to pay thousands of dollars in attorney’s fees to get a court order to exercise basic 1st Amendment rights of free assembly and free speech and only then behind the protection of an army of police. This is what we have come to.

Reflect on the transformation of this country and understand that it is not the fault of any single individual.

I don't think any individual should blame himself/herself for the escalating violence or what happened at Maywood. The blame belongs squarely with the homicidal, stone age primitives who invaded our country and who have been ratcheting up the violence for almost 20 years. They mean to kill us and will do so if we let them. Stop kidding yourselves that they are just like us and only a few are bad apples.

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