Thread: Final Straw???
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Old 07-10-2010, 11:45 PM
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Ayatollahgondola Ayatollahgondola is offline
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Originally Posted by tim55 View Post
Can't really look past race on this, because of the hypocracy in evidence on this particular issue. If in fact Holder, or some other Obama appointee gave orders not to prosecute black on white civil rights violations, then we have another "one way" prosecution theory in effect. If that's the case, then does it not appear that a declared war is in effect?
I'm not saying we should ignore it. But if the administration goes that direction it will be for specific purposes like the voter intimidation. The issue here should be that and not race, so we don't let them sidetrack the punishable violation. Once people get caught up in racial strife, it will just go on and on. Don't arrest the guy for being a racist; Arrest him for voter intimidation. That's the clear cut case as I see it.
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