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Old 03-23-2010, 03:10 PM
Twoller Twoller is offline
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Originally Posted by Jeanfromfillmore View Post
Yes you're correct, but also the Lutheran and many other churches are supporting this invasion. But as I've said before, I'm an atheist so I don't listen to most of what they say and understood a long time ago how much damage and brainwashing these self righteous organizations are. What has really been the biggest pro illegal movement in our country, by far bigger than the churches, has been our schools, but hardly anyone mentions that. Next it would be the unions. Most are so self righteous and trying to pretend the power to be gained by having the illegals join them is not the issue, but that's exactly what the issue is.
The Protestant contribution to illegal immigration is of absolutely no direct consequence. The only thing it really shows is how completely US Protestants have been enfranchised by the Catholic Church. Illegal immigration is a global problem created by Muslims and Catholics who are completely unembarrased to subjegate families to the engine of extending the domination of either one by dominating the birth rate. Notice that in either Catholic or Islamic countries, neither one threatens the either one with population dynamics. It is only in Protestant or non-Catholic countries occupied by either Catholics or Muslims or both. Notice also that reaction to Muslim population explosions in Protestant countries is completely enfranchised by Catholics and of course nobody dares complain about the Catholics.

Population explosions are the basic issue and the flowing of populations out of areas of high population density to areas of low population density. This means migration from Muslim or Catholic countries into countries where either of these are not the majority. The problem of overpopulation, of course, does not even exist according to these two systems of beliefs and any effort to confront the problem on a global scale is squashed by them as well.
The United States of America is for citizens only! Everyone else OUT.
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