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Old 07-12-2010, 04:37 PM
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Jeanfromfillmore Jeanfromfillmore is offline
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I believe what he's saying is that the "transition" is to address those that are here now and to have them admit they're here, register, and then either self deport or consider working as a migrant on a limited time visa and no way to turn it into citizenship, and also not letting the family say here with them. I didn't hear anything about amnesty. What he's addressing is that we have to discuss how to either deport or deal with those that are here. Even if we deport every illegal, it can't be done in a day or week. So there has to be a plan on how to do it, there has to be steps. We're not magicians and the illegals won't disappear in a matter of minutes, hours or days. There has to be a procedure for ridding ourselves of them. That is called a "transition".
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