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Old 11-25-2012, 06:58 PM
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ilbegone ilbegone is offline
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I believe it will backfire on the Democrats because at its core the Democrat elite is just as ignorant as the Republican elite concerning the myriad of peoples who are termed "Latino" as well as the rest of the ignorant vote buying Democrats conduct with other groups of minorities and immigrants of all sorts. The Republican failure through arrogance was determined decades ago, the Democrat failure will be through one way "familiarity", the rude surprise one might get when - after years of kissing ass, being sincerely over generous to the ungrateful and thinking that he is finally accepted as a member of the family he married into - one suddenly realizes he isn't worth a plugged nickle to most in that family who are over the age of ten years old.

Jose Angel Gutierrez - who is now a Democrat - in an interview with a Texas newspaper reporter (Dallas Fort Worth Times?) a few years ago said that the US will soon be broke, and that's when his goals will be met. Gutierrez might be a lot of things, might have done a little miscalculating in the past, but stupid he is not. The open borders, American brown racist lobby doesn't have a lock step agreement with the Democrat party. It is a maxim that so long as an association benefits the movimiento, the association is maintained. When the association no longer benefits the movimiento, the relationship is severed.

Government will collapse, the promises made can't be fulfilled anymore - there will be no more government aid dispensed to prime the Democrat pump. Regardless of where anyone stands, both Republicans and Democrats will be irrelevant.

I hope I'm wrong.
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Last edited by ilbegone; 11-25-2012 at 07:51 PM.
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