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Old 05-31-2010, 10:58 AM
usa today usa today is offline
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Originally Posted by Twoller View Post
You are both right. The thing that you are both missing is that it is not necessary to openly declare war on hispanic illegal immigrants in order to confront the overwhelming majority of illegal immigrants that are hispanic.

It is so easy, all that is necessary is to enforce the laws against illegal immigration where ever law enforcement has the occassion to do so. This is why it is so important not to use race as a criteria of enforcing against illegal immigration. Of course, since hispanics represent the overwhelming majority of illegal immigrants it is inevitable that they be confronted with the greatest frequency.

This is also why those who wish to defend illegal immigration cling so desperately to the notion of race being the issue. The other people more interested in race as being the issue are genuine racists, who don't really care about illegal immigration at all and want the illegal immigration issue to reinforce their politcis regarding their own racial mythology -- just like the hispanics who claim their rights to illegal immigration are race based. You see? All the racists are working together. And we've seen evidence of this here at our own BBS.

Don't get sucked into the racial BS. Focus on the basic problem of illegal immigration and everything else will sort itself out.
You are 100% correct , no need to bring race into it at all, but every time there is any enforcement of any kind we get the enabler groups screaming and thats the end of any enforcement

How many employers are going to jail? not many, the illegals they rounded up in those last raids have all been released.
The SS started to send out no match letters, but the dems put an end to that, they stopped the fence , they don't want ANY enforcement at all.

The majority of illegals are hispanic so we either cut the crap and PC bs or its never going to get fixed
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