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Old 05-15-2010, 09:17 PM
Twoller Twoller is offline
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Yes, that was a quote. I can't see if the author is posted for this article, which is a good article and deserves a complete read. K, if you are not the author, then my apologies to the author, they sound like they know what they are talking about.

From that link:

Today's Educational Piece

Results of This Week's Border Trip

On Monday and Tuesday of this week, several State Legislators, along with GPTPP President Kelly Townsend, went to the Sierra Vista/Naco area of the border on a fact-finding mission. The facts that were established aren't anything new to many of you, however when you take each one of them and line them up, they create a picture that we may never have seen before. They will be presented for your evaluation.

1. A major holding camp in the desert is no longer there thanks to the efforts of the minutemen.

2. There are many people entering into our country through the port of entry, legally each day.


15. The most egregious fact is that right now, the drug cartel lords control the "high grounds" in Southern Arizona. As you take a drive on the 8 freeway and see the hills there, you can know that on many of them are cartel scouts, watching the movement of law enforcement and communicating it on their encrypted radios. Because they control the high ground, they control the area. Essentially what we were being told by the deputies, Arizona is not in control of the situation and in all reality, we have been invaded and they are winning. If this were considered a war, (which it is) Arizona is in submission to the drug lords.

They easily pass the fence, they walk right through the Army base, their radios are secure by the help of satellite technology by the Federal government, and the most recent grant that would increase efficacy was thwarted by the misinformation from Napolitano's office.
The United States of America is for citizens only! Everyone else OUT.
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