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Old 05-10-2010, 09:25 AM
Don Don is offline
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Default Glenn Spencer predicts Mexican riots before Nov. 2010 Elections

On May 10, 2010 the web site of American operated by Glenn Spencer, ran as its lead story a critique of the new film, Machete. It contains the following statements:

"If the trailer is any indication, the movie supports this claim and makes Americans who want the border enforced to be the "bad guys."
"The movie is scheduled to be released in September, just prior to the November election when illegal immigration is going to be a major issue. Hollywood had better wake up and smell the coffee. A recent Gallup poll found that 90 percent of Americans want the border secured this year. All this incendiary piece of propaganda will do is incite Mexicans to riot."

"As the trailer says, "He (Machete) knows the score, he gets the women and he kills the bad guy." It leaves no question that the bad guy is white male Americans. Hollywood may find this cute, but it goes too far. This film should be stopped."

The first question this raises is do we want this film stopped and how would we stop it in any event?

Frankly, my view is that the best thing to happen for the survival of America would be for Mexicans to riot shortly before the next election. Mexicans have already antagonized public opinon, which is running highly against them. Will riots make them any less threatening in the eyes of American nationalists? Will video of burning cities and bloody massacres make Americans embrace amnesty and multiculturalism? I think not!

The debut of this incendiary film will come on the heels of high American unemployment, bankrupt welfare states, and such antagonisms as the Morgan Hill scandal where Americans were kicked out of school for offending the "chicanos" by displaying the American flag. I think the debut of this film could be the best thing that could happen.
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