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Old 04-28-2010, 01:17 PM
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Jeanfromfillmore Jeanfromfillmore is offline
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Originally Posted by Rim05 View Post
Not a single one here said aye. I did give my excuse.
Jean, if you want to try this(request) again I will repost that if you get something going I will try to find transportation and attend. I will not drive

Where is everyone here, no response? May 1st was taken up for me couple of months ago. There are such a few who want to do anything except post on the forum.
Yes, you're right Rimo, everyone seems to have something else that is more important to do. Yet, they complain that our side isn't doing anything. Put up or shut up. Rimo, if some here had half your passion to stomp out this invasion, we'd have a great fighting force. You have always been such a driven and passionate person for the cause.

If this law in Arizona had happened four years ago, there would be hundreds of people ready to protest. But today, they'd rather watch tv or just post and complain. What good is it to organize if the big mouths just tap on a keyboard. Let's hope they get some passion back and desire to hit the streets.

Glory has posted an event being held by Robin and Ray and I hope some will attend who live close to where they're having it. At this late point it wouldn't be worth trying to organize anything on our end, and you were right Rimo, not one person gave any indication that they wanted to hit the streets. NOT ONE!!!

Davi is planing on doing some things up north. I will be organizing something in the next few weeks, talks are in the works. I understand that some of you live far away and it would be hard to travel and participate. But that shouldn't stop you from doing a street activity where you live. Think about it.
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