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Old 04-27-2010, 01:48 PM
Kathy63 Kathy63 is offline
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Join Date: Oct 2009
Posts: 380

Who voted for the obamanation?

Democrats, socialists and communists.

Idealistic students who thought they were going to get everything they ever wanted from the obamastash.

Republicans that felt that John McCain didn't pass the republican purity test.

Of course things would not be the same under McCain. Would we have had changes to the Rules of Engagement in wartime that have guaranteed American casualties? No. Of course not. Would we have had socialized medicine? No. Of course not. Would we have had a bailout bill that resulted in trillions of dollars in a democrat slush fund? No. Of course not. Everyday obamanation comes out with some new plan and plot to take us where we don't want to go.

Would everything have been wonderful, pie in the sky, hunky dory if John McCain had been elected? No. Of course not.

John McCain isn't a communist. He would not be marching us to soviet style Stalinism. That's the question for the next election. Do we want to continue marching toward soviet style Stalinism or not. It's an easy decison to make no matter who is opposing the Destroyer.
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