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Old 04-19-2010, 03:47 PM
Don Don is offline
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Originally Posted by Ayatollahgondola View Post
How would you get involved in preventing it?
Great question.

Unfortunatley there's not much political support for lynching, so that's not a viable option as it once was.

I would like to see a civil rights organization like the ACLU or La Raza or the NAACP organized for the express, sole purpose of providing legal assistance to white victims of racially motivated violence and discrimination by non-white savages. We badly need white racial organizations to protect white children. Please don't tell me it won't work. It works superbly for the blacks, mexicans, jews, etc., all of whom have their own race based organizations. Mexican punks behave the way they do because they're protected by the power of the Mexican political and "civil rights" machine. Public school administrators are paralyzed by fear of this machine if they're not actually part of it themselves.

The filing of lawsuits against school administrations, Mecha, La RAza and the individual perpetrators of these crimes against white children would help turn the tide. It would take the pressure off white children if school administrators and the filthy stinking Mexican punks who torment white children were fearful of paying a price.

I will tell you something: If rank and file white people knew what was being done by these Mexican racist organizations to white children, there would be a real uprising in this country. White anger is simmering below the surface and is ready to erupt. This kind of organization organized "for the children" would provide the spark to light the poweder keg.

I grew up in an all white protestant church singing a hym the words of which were: "Jesus loves the little children, all the children of the world. Red and yellow, black and white they are precious in his sight. Jesus loves the little children of the world." Like most dull witted white sheep, I actually believed in those words and stupidly sent my hard earned allowance money to fund missionaires to help them. Well, no more. Time to take off the gloves and play by their rules for a change.
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