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Old 04-04-2010, 10:26 AM
wetibbe wetibbe is offline
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Default Al Qaead


In my own opinion, based on many years of watching border events, and based on my own experience 17 years overseas, coupled with current activities, I think I have strong intuition to think that somehow Al Qaeda is mixed up with some segments of the drug cartels. Certainly our co-patriots have been picking through the border trash and found time after time evidence of Arabs in papers written Arabic left behind. Many times there have been reports of Arabs seen and apprehended crossing. Reports of Al Qaeda paying coyotes $35,000 to $50,000 for a crossing of a terrorist. Reports of sophisticated, modern arms, grenades, RPG's, mortars, hand held missiles, and stock piles of other weapons commonly involved in the Iraq and Afghanistan skirmishes. Weapons that would not commonly be used by human traffickers and drug pushers. Granted some of these could have been introduced by the renegade Mexican armed forces personnel, Los Zetas, that were trained in the USA and returned to cross over to the drug cartels.

It isn't sufficient to blame only Mexicans. I think this invasion and the murders of Americans also has it's roots in overseas elements. When those elements are really exposed then we will have some better justification to take increased action. Furthermore, the elimination of Mexican vermin may not be sufficient. The immobilization of some American vermin is also something that the USA will benefit from just as much.

It takes two to tango. Crossing the drugs is only profitable because there is distribution and consumption domestically. And it is readily evident that the appetite is quite large.

There is no scarcity of Americans ready and willing to harbor, shelter, hide, feed, transport, pay, treat, teach, hire, protect the Mexican vermin and many other nationalities here illegally. And there is no scarcity of Americans who will not enforce the present Federal Immigration and Customs laws already on the books.

Last edited by wetibbe; 04-05-2010 at 02:38 AM.
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