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Old 04-03-2010, 04:12 AM
Don Don is offline
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I'm at a loss to explain the popularity, such as it is, for Keith Olbermann. I channel surf and it seems like every time I hit his show, he's attacking O'REilly or Glenn Beck and much of the time he is re-playing video from FOX. I'm not interested in hearing media types sling mud and frankly I don't think most people are. What a strange use of air time: giving exposure to your competition.

There is something weirdly pathological about Olbermann. There is a kind of rabid, mad dog viciousness about him...and most of the left for that matter. It's as though they have a form of rabies of the mind. They are the ugliest, most vicious people I've ever seen. There is a venomous streak in these people that is horrifying. They are worse than the mafia.

Thank God people are starting to wake up to these monsters.
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