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Old 03-30-2010, 07:03 AM
Borderwatch Borderwatch is offline
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This is an example of radical and extremist fringe groups which can be found throughout our society," said Andrew Arena, FBI special agent in charge.

"The FBI takes such extremist groups seriously, especially those who would target innocent citizens and the law enforcement officers who protect the citizens of the United States."


For a brief sketch of Andrew Arena's background with the FBI see:

Who is Andrew Arena?: Secret To Success in the FBI

December 27, 2006

"Just ask Andrew G. Arena. The new FBI Special Agent in Charge in the heart of Islamic America–Michigan–got his new job that way. One of his closest associates told Detroit Newsistan fabricator David Shepardson:

Alhamdillullah, Abu Arena Has Made the Hajj to D-Mecca

“He knows all the aspects of the community,” noting his outreach with the Muslim community in Detroit and New York.

Yup, that’s “the community” to the FBI. Not you Infidels. Just the extremist Muslims who support terrorist groups like Hezbollah and HAMAS.

And, oh yeah, Arena is a Lions and Tigers fan, too, which everyone knows makes you a great law enforcement honcho. Right?
Alhamdillullah (praise Allah), Andrew Arena is here. What’s that brown on the end of his nose?

**** UPDATE, 12/28/06: The Christian Science Monitor has even more disturbing news about Andrew G. Arena. It appears that just a month ago, with the New York FBI, he was trying to change American popular opinion about Islam. Is he a federal law enforcement official or a dhimmi change agent for jihad? Hard to tell:

The FBI found many such misperceptions about Islam among its agents as well, according to Andrew Arena, the special agent in charge of the New York FBI office. And so, as the bureau began a concentrated effort to reach out to the Muslim community, education became one of its first priorities. At the FBI Academy and in ongoing field training, agents are now taught about the Muslim faith – its basic tenets and things like the difference between Shiites and Sunnis.
“It’s helped to make our agents more culturally sensitive to the concerns of not only the Muslim community, but all of the communities that we deal with,” says Mr. Arena.

Andrew Arena–sent to Detroit by the FBI NOT to investigate Islamic terrorism, but to help change our perceptions about its operatives. No wonder we are losing the war on terror.
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