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Old 03-25-2010, 08:23 PM
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Ayatollahgondola Ayatollahgondola is offline
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Originally Posted by Borderwatch View Post
“Four years ago, fed up with the bureaucratic shuffle of H-2As, it was Scaroni who hopped the fence. He opened a sister farm in Guanajuato, Mexico, where his workforce costs a quarter of what it does in this country. After shipping and charges imposed by Mexico, his costs are on a par with his U.S. costs, but across the border he has no problem finding workers who are dependable, motivated, and legal. Scaroni is baffled by the absurdity of having to outsource his business to another country, calling the current U.S. policies “asinine.”.
Yeah, but what's assinine is that when we import them through any visa program, the taxpayer immediately starts paying for thier upkeep. By upkeep, I mean their healthcare, food(stamps), anchorbabies, and education. funny how mexico doesn't have all that if the costs are on a par with the US like he says. It's a certainty that Scaroni isn't paying for any of that. Keep your farming down there in mexico and hire all the legal mexicans you want to in mexico. Also feel free to charge me whatever you want for the imported products. At least I can just say no and just not buy from you. It's a helluva lot harder if not becoming impossible for me to say no to anything an illegal wants once they get here and start needing things. Just ask the 9th circuit court.

Back in the hills of Campo, beneath the crackling of high-tension power lines, the buzz of Border Patrol quads in the distance, Britt “Kingfish” Craig — the ultimate frontier, the last vanguard of the dream — nods to the setting sun in concurrence. “Give everybody a work permit, and let them leave when the permit expires,” he says. “That’s fine with me.
No thanks Britt. I appreciate what you do down there, but it ain't fine with me
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