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Old 03-24-2010, 12:13 PM
Don Don is offline
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Default RINO Michael Medved Supports Open Primaries

On today's broadcast RINO talk show host Michael Medved is advocating "open primaries" rather than party primaries. This means liberals and "moderates" get to chose Republican candidates for us. Isn't that nice?

His theory is that it will broaden political participation by the masses and will produce more Conservative Republicans. What?????

This Zionist weasel has always supported illegal immigration and initially opposed the Tea Party Movement. He discourages conservatives from going to the "streets" because it' just not what we do. The Tea Party movement is the best thing that's happened in years. It's kind of floundering and looking for direction at the moment, but it's like the big tent they're always talking about and people can just come out and get involved. What could be more healthy?

A few months ago, Medved interviewed some liberal author who wrote a book about "conservatism" and said conservatives should spend more time learning the works of Edmund Burke and Benjamin Disraeli. Got that? Mexico is invading your town, transforming your neighborhoods into slums, ruining your public school, beating up your children, bankrupting your hospital and ruining your quality of life. Why aren't you reading more Edmund Burke and Benjamin Disraeli? What the Hell is wrong with you?

Medved is a consistent supporter of the enemies of this country. He has supported the Mexican invasion and the "pathway to citizenship" because it isn't "amnesty" if we make them pay a fine. Liberals want to give the country away to Mexicans. Medved wants to sell it to them for the price of a "fine."

These RINO traitors like Medved and Hugh Hewitt are tremendously destructive. They are basically opposed to anything that is directed toward saving the country. They talk about drivel like Edmund Burke. Regretfully, they're very well entrenched and very powerful.

These RINOS uniformly opposed Tom McClintock and supported Schwarzenegger. They also supporting McCain over anti-immigration candidate J.D. Hayworth in Arizona's senate race.
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