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Old 03-19-2010, 09:31 AM
PochoPatriot PochoPatriot is offline
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Originally Posted by Twoller View Post
You don't have to vote for anyone you don't feel represents you and you shouldn't. Every time you cast your ballot for somebody who does not represent your point of view or, even worse, undermines you point of view, you kill yourself politically. And this is how bad its gotten. People are willing to carve a little more of themselves a way every time they vote.

You are still not listening to yourself. You try to sound realpolitik, but the last thing you have to say about somebody running for governor is that you like their shoes. Is there anything to you really? You pose the reality of the situation as if you have to limit your choices, but when you share what drives your decisions, you toss it away on a pair of shoes.
I really have a hard time trying to understand this sort of mindset. There are negotiable and non-negotiable issues in politics. It's not about "carv[ing] a little more of [ourselves] away." It's about realizing what is essential and what is not. This where many of us differ. The issue is respecting and tolerating (not the PC version of tolerance), those differences. This was where I parted ways with the old SOS. Things got to be so intolerant towards anyone that did not become a true believer in Ron Paul or Chuck Baldwin or whatever third-party kook that she who will not be named decided to throw her support behind.
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