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Old 03-18-2010, 07:33 AM
Kathy63 Kathy63 is offline
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Join Date: Oct 2009
Posts: 380

So far only Poizner has had public statements in campaign ads against criminal immigration. But he is a member of the CFR so he doesn't meet the purity test.

I too will vote for the person who meets most of my standards recognizing that no one is going to meet them all. Standing on the purity principle is how we got the great and poweful ozbama as presidebt.

I remember when Jerry Brown was governor last time. He's only marinated in his liberalism since he left office last time. What I disagree with as far as Brown is concerned is his basic philosophy of liberalisim. He imposes his will as much as he can according to the way he personally believes the way things should be.

If nothing else, his position during the same sex marriage controversy was enough to convince me that he deserves NO elected office at all.
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