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Old 03-10-2010, 05:36 AM
wetibbe wetibbe is offline
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Join Date: Nov 2009
Posts: 801
Default Yes folks !

It was actually about my joking around and kidding one of moderators who I got along with just fine. I never had any dispute there with anyone.

However, one of the female moderators chimed in, apparently didn't understand that I was kidding, and pulled the plug. She then proceeded to lambaste several others. It got so bad that some asked if she was having a bad hair day or something more serious.

There were a couple of other websites too with some bad characters, one in particular apparently from the Simcox Minutemen.

Among three sites, they were at war with each-other. Sniping and fighting. When it got to the point that some moderators were posting that the FBI were jack booted thugs, Infragard was the Nazi SS, Bush orchestrated 9/11, the Federal Reserve was a band of international criminals, the IRS was an illegal extortion racket, the CFR was out to wreck the USA, the Constitution was in the way of the Freemen, anarchy was desirable, and those other guys on that other website were a bunch of turncoat traitors - well, it seemed a bit too over the top.
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