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Old 03-06-2010, 10:00 AM
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Ole Glory Ole Glory is offline
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Originally Posted by Ole Glory View Post
Please make sure that I am not a part of that apology.

I say screw the people of SCV. What a bunch of idiots! All they are talking about is the incident with the Pastor/Runner/Frank. Not one mention of the fact that at the start of the Rally we were INVADED. A group of foreign nationals INVADED the rally site, speaking in a foreign language as they chanted Si Se Puede, (YES WE CAN) Si Se Puede and carrying signs in a foreign language. One woman barked, “We work so hard”.
Case in Point:

Not so fast, Reza
Mitch Bruckner

Posted: March 4, 2010 10:57 p.m.
POSTED March 5, 2010 4:55 a.m.

Regarding "Kellar should be applauded" (The Signal, Feb. 20):

"When you cross our borders without permission, you are here illegally and are not entitled to any benefits - period, end of discussion. It's very black and white in my book; no gray area," Mary Reza wrote.

Really? What if someone here illegally, is robbed of his or her hard-earned day's pay and is shot in the chest? Should they be denied medical benefits?

Illegal immigration is a complicated problem. Like all complicated societal issues, solutions require careful thought and responsible leadership.

Economic issues have always been the driving force behind immigration to this great land. Like all the immigrant families that have preceded them, our Mexican neighbors come here with the dream of earning a living and proudly assimilating.

Economics, not liberal politics, is at the root of the difficulties we are now encountering with our most recent generation of immigrants.

"It's about time someone locally spoke out publicly about our illegal immigration problem. Yes, it's crippling us financially and culturally.

It's a fact, folks," Reza wrote.

Not so fast. Many U.S. companies and residents alike derive financial benefit from illegal immigration.

Personally, what I believe is crippling our nation is a broken political system which caters only to the rich and powerful. The world's financial titans pull all the strings of our elected dummies, hoarding all the money, while the middle class receives less and less basic services.

Race-baiting effectively distracts the mob from what is harming us most, turning us against one another while nothing ever changes. No finance reform despite a world teetering on financial collapse. No health care reform. No money for education. Not even immigration reform. Only corporate bailouts.

It is our broken, corrupt political system that is crippling us. Not illegal immigrants. Stoking the ugly, racist instincts of the voting mob accomplishes nothing of value for society.

I believe Bob Kellar is a good man and I'm glad he is on our City Council. The silly debate concerning his recent comments is an unfortunate distraction.
"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed it's the only thing that ever has." Margaret Mead
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