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Old 11-02-2009, 06:18 PM
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Jeanfromfillmore Jeanfromfillmore is offline
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Well I don't believe the Brown Berets are the university crowd. Maybe a j.c. but the university crowd are MEChA. They consider themselves the 'educated' elite. Brown Berets are more the lower class, kind of like the difference between white collar and blue collar. But who knows, they're both brain dead and cut from the same clothe. What really amazes me is that they actually believe they can accomplish any more than their relatives have done back in their own countries, basically Mexico. Mexico is so corrupt and racist and they refuse to even recognize that fact when it is so damned obvious. How in the hell do they expect to have the sense to accomplish anything here when they couldn't do there. And the most unbelievable part is they can actually bs each other into not seeing the truth when it's starring them in the face. Mexico is a failed country.
But then California is pretty much a failed state. We just haven't had the 8,000 killed by the drug cartels. Maybe when that starts to happen the Brown Berets and their ilk will feel they're accomplishing their goals.
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