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Old 11-02-2009, 02:26 PM
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ilbegone ilbegone is offline
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I don't like links so much except as proof of where something came from.

Too many times I have seen a premise based on a way out of context quote from a link; a link that goes to a homepage of an alleged source rather than to the exact page with the quote, if the quote really exists; and flat out bullshit from someone who is apparently hoping the reader will take his word rather than look up the link.

If I don't know who it is, I tend to disregard both the link and the messenger. I've wasted way too much time following links only to find that they don't go anywhere but to another link, no substantive information, nothing for discussion.

I've had no problem skimming through a post, and if it isn't worth my time, scrolling down to the next message or to the next page.

It's like texting, I don't get texting. Why text when I can call? And I hate those closing time a-holes who inadvertently punch in the the wrong phone number, and wake me up with some alcohol fueled attempt at incomprehensible cleverness, a lame after party attempt to hook up with someone who wasn't there to reject the texter, a bid to purchase or sell drugs, - or maybe all three.

Yeah, I rambled. But that's how I feel.
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