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Old 02-22-2010, 01:36 PM
PochoPatriot PochoPatriot is offline
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Originally Posted by usa today View Post
"I wonder if we can expect Latinos hanging from the trees in the south?"

Yes , and elsewhere also

The sad part of history and you know this as well as I do , If the people here fail to get redress for their grievances (the latino invasion) they will take the law into their own hands at one point or another.
That's what scares when people start joining the klan. After all I look Mexican, and often wonder if I might get strung up from a tree.

Originally Posted by usa today View Post
Its not rocket science , look to kosovo and other places , when 2 cultures start to butt heads it usually gets ugly.
I don't think you can compare Kosovo with America. The Bosnian situation was both religious (Muslim/Christian) and ethnic (Bosnian/Serbian).

Originally Posted by usa today View Post
The BIG difference is that immigrants of the past chose to "become" part of OUR culture , The hispanic invaders are working to CHANGE our culture into theirs , that is the big difference and that is why their "immigration" is 100% different from waves of past immigrants.
You'll get no argument from me on this. However, I think a lot of what you are seeing is a result of the technological advances that did not allow previous immigration waves to keep in contact with the home country. This is one of the reasons why there is such a stubbornly slow transition to adopting American culture not just by Latinos, but by all modern immigrants.

Originally Posted by usa today View Post
At some point the jig will be up , it will get ugly for both legal and illegal hispanics , raving Americans fed up with the invasion will not stop to ask for anyones "papers" , on that day both the guilty and innocent will will take the brunt

And don't say it can't happen

Its always happened that way in the past
This is what I am trying to prevent by saying that we can't allow that sort of mentality to fester in a group. I have been on the front lines, and will be back on the front lines again once I get my economic situation back on track. We have to draw a line and say what sort of groups are appropriate associates. The inbred rednecks that make up the KKK are not appropriate now or ever.

Edited to add: Nor should we allow persons that even remotely sympathize or identify with said group(s).
I think, therefore I love the Dodgers!

Last edited by PochoPatriot; 02-22-2010 at 01:59 PM.
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