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Old 02-16-2010, 12:15 PM
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Jeanfromfillmore Jeanfromfillmore is offline
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What is so common is the fact that these 'poor' don't want to go to school, even when an education is free. Yet they try to justify their being here because they will do the jobs the lazy Americans won't do. Their opinion of labor is only if sweat is running off your brow. The sweat of studying isn't considered work or they use the excuse that they can't afford it. The fact is their culture doesn't embrace education and ours does. But they'll find an illegal trophy student and hold them up as an example of how we in this country is holding them back and we're the bad guys.

Mexico is exploiting ever facet of our society and it has finally come to this point of destruction to where it is finally getting noticed. They exploit our junkies, our schools, our hospitals, our social networks, our courts and our kindness.

Mexico is not a poor country, not even close to being a poor country. And many of the illegals living here are living quite nice lives. I know because I've been in their homes and seen how some lavish themselves, while at the same time collecting welfare. When I've asked what social services they are receiving they feel no embarrassment at telling me, yet they have a flat screen and a Cadillac Escalade parked in the driveway. And they know there's little chance of their being caught.

That gang banger/drug dealer living in the house will disappear when the welfare fraud worker shows up. What I've seen would amaze you and they're not isolated instances.
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