Thread: Egg Exodus
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Old 02-11-2010, 09:38 AM
Kathy63 Kathy63 is offline
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Join Date: Oct 2009
Posts: 380

We had feel good legislation promoted by the manipulative leading the stupid. I knew and most thinking people knew that the humane treatment of chickens act wasn't going to result in the humane treatment of chickens. It was going to result in chicken ranching leaving the state like every other industry that found itself under attack by well intentioned LOONS. Naturally once Petaluma was no longer the Egg Capital of the world, the inhumane treatment of chickens would continue just elsewhere.

Pay attention, Please. If you did not pay attention before do so now. Legislation is being proposed that would prohibit importing any poultry product including eggs, unless the producer meets California state guidelines. This will make chicken more expensive than porterhouse and put eggs close to if not over $10.00 a dozen.
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