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Old 02-10-2010, 03:51 AM
Rim05 Rim05 is offline
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"I don't want to hear what you have to say because you're here supporting illegal immigration," Thompson barked. "Not one of you lives in Santa Clarita."

Some coalition members shouted back.Quote

Do you notice the choice of words this so called journalist used. When describing an anti-illegal protester the journalist chose to say he "barked" implying he's a dog. But to describe the ANSWERLA protester he choose "shouted". That was not an accident, that is journalistic propaganda. This journalists goal is to demean Mr. Thompson to the level of animal.
Many times I have seen these journalists use this kind of reporting. 'One word' can change the meaning of something, just like leaving out 'One word'. I hope Bob Kellar will never apologize for something that is not correctly reported. How many words of his statement did they leave out? What good is an apology if you do not mean it. Seems to me it is what I call a power trip like, 'We forced him to apoligize'.
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