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Old 02-08-2010, 04:43 PM is offline
Join Date: Oct 2009
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Originally Posted by MowMyOwn View Post
Just in the last year, we've seem to have lost many 'conservative' type talk radio host, or one's that spoke against illegal immigration ...

I'm wondering if it had to do with economic reasons or the issues of focus?

I liked McIntyre, I'm glad he's back, but I'll ever here him because of his new time slot.

From what I've read, the economic downturn has hit the radio industry hard, and not just talk radio. There have been lots of layoffs and cutbacks. Also, there's been a trend toward syndication which, on the whole, is less expensive than a format of mostly local shows.

I'm glad McIntyre's back b/c I really enjoyed his insights and sense of humor. However, I'm somewhat concerned because he's coming back in syndicated fashion. Syndication, in my opinion, ruined the Larry Elder Show. Before he went national, Larry was this relentlessly critically thinking Libertarian who took great joy in skewering the assortment of race hustlers who occupy positions of notoriety here in So Cal. When he went national, however, he became a Republican apologist.

I started listening to AM radio because of Larry Elder. Once he was being heard from coast-to-coast, I think he lost me within 6 weeks.

Hopefully the same will not be true of McIntyre.
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