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Old 01-31-2010, 09:58 PM
1inchgroup 1inchgroup is offline
Join Date: Dec 2009
Posts: 40

(devil's advocate, remember?)

There are actually some members that are members for reasons of safety. They want a safe place to go, and not have to deal with "them". Along with the safety issue of dealing with "them"....there's the stigma that goes along with it... So they'd want to avoid that as well. Then there's the issue of product safety. Since most of the people that would be concerned are seriously ill....they are concerned about mold (the kind of mold that grows on pot can cause serious lung infections), pesticides, preservatives....

I know it's hard to believe, but there are very good reasons behind the law. The fact that a lot of others have taken advantage of it shouldn't lessen the impact this has on people's lives.

Is it just because they're smoking pot? Is that what it comes down to?
"When you dance with the devil....wait till the song's over." -Mustaine
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