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Old 01-29-2010, 12:14 PM
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Jeanfromfillmore Jeanfromfillmore is offline
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Originally Posted by Kathy63 View Post
That's a knotty problem isn't it?

The mom and pop businesses are usually overpriced and sell outdated goods. They don't have the inventory turnover and high costs. Walmart has high quality goods, lower prices and a record of raising employment.

Mom and Pop need to change the way they do business. If they can't, Walmart will run them off.

In case you think I do not have sufficient sympathy for the mom and pops, my direct competitor is Petco, just a few blocks away.
Kathy, when I read what you write, I usually agree half of the time, but even when I don't agree, I understand you have some validity to what you write. But this post is just BS. We have some small chain markets in my area (maybe 6 stores or less) and their prices are much better than the larger giant corp chains. Walmart does not have better quality products and to support such a monster that has done so much damage by someone who has as much smarts as yourself is, well, dumbfounding.

It is this buying up of smaller businesses and manufacturers by large corps that has put us in such a mess. Banks bought up all the small banks, markets like Safeway, bought up all the smaller chains and the fast food giants that have left us with the same food choices from one city and state to another. There's not nearly as much competition and without competition, monopolies take over and the people lose.
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