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Old 01-20-2010, 07:27 PM
1inchgroup 1inchgroup is offline
Join Date: Dec 2009
Posts: 40

And those are the clubs that are being shut down in LA right now. It goes in cycles. The smugglers and the public lands growers all show up eventually. The LEGAL places don't give you cash for your bag of weed. They'll credit your account with the amount you dropped off...if you had too much to smoke all on your own or just harvested or whatever. When you were dry, you went and tapped the account for a little. If you didn't grow, you were able to tap the resources of those that did, and donate a little something for their efforts. They are collectives....hippy shit.

I did my work with them in the late 90's...with Scott Imler and the original crew that got prop 215 passed. Quite a few of those guys died in jail for their activism...they weren't looking for an angle. They were looking for relief from 1990's AIDS symptoms.
"When you dance with the devil....wait till the song's over." -Mustaine
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