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Old 01-20-2010, 06:46 PM
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ilbegone ilbegone is offline
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I've seen it both ways.

Those who couldn't function after a couple of hits and others who were good help even if smoking pot all day, and the world of cannabis use goes way beyond the flagrantly obvious.

Regardless of age bracket or apparent life style.

Everyone is different.

I am now of the opinion that no one should be high on the job, but that whatever partying a person does on his own time is his own business. It's going away, but there was the old time blue collar notion which involved lots of drinking (thirty years ago there as as much chance of the water cooler being filled with beer as with water) and by extension pot smoking both on and off the job.

The drug tests are a farce. It's been some time now, but I could party like a fiend the night before a pee test and I beat them all.

I don't do it any more for several reasons, not the least that under the present situation the marijuana trade fuels a lot of killing - essentially it's a blood soaked product whose traffickers have no respect for life or environment.

I believe that if it were legal to grow and posses for personal use but greatly illegal to traffic it would take much of the profit away from the cartels.

The other idea of allowing cannabis to be sold over the counter and taxed is nuts as far as I'm concerned. The same killers who move it now will just get a business license and be rewarded for their previous behavior - not unlike awarding amnesty to illegals who have thumbed their noses at our sovereignty.

Quite a few in our society have a notion that harsh punishment or "rehabilitation" will make pot use go away. I think that sort of wishful attempt is something like pissing into a fan, it's useless denial of reality.
Freibier gab's gestern

Hay burros en el maiz


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