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Old 01-08-2010, 11:35 AM
Twoller Twoller is offline
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Originally Posted by Don View Post
Makes me want to vomit. Every thing I read about these people makes me loath them more and more.


Let's examine the 40 year historical period before 1968. Let's use 1969 as a benchmark year because the stock market crashed in 1929, 40 years before, and the depression began. Forty years later, in 1969, white Americans had beaten the depression, won a world war, invented the aero space industry, invented space ships and transported astronauts to the moon and back.

Now Americans, who beat the depression, won WW2, invented a new civilization and space exploration, are being dispossessed by third worlders who can't even figure out freshman algebra.
Mexico is certainly the problem here. It is a complete derelict country with no world standing given its population size. For its wealth, it assumes no responsibilities or ambitions of progress. Compare Mexico with India. India has suffered brutal colonization from two empires, one English and the other Muslim. It's thrown them both out and has resumed its own culture and absorbed the cultural fallout from its victimizers. It has a space program and a vital industry that reflects its own peculiar needs. It contributes to the world and its broader problems where it can, even though it continues to be a poor country. It suffers alongside the west as a victim of terrorism and gets no sympathy for it, but does not back down or bend under it.

Both Mexico and India contribute to the US's illegal immigration problem, but Indians are much more likely to make vital contributions to the US economy when they are legal. No other subculture in the US has less to argue for its own vitality here then Mexican immigrants. Even when they are here legally, there are basically the recipients of a kind of public job program, doing work that nobody needs doing, jobs that would disappear if we could make them disappear.
The United States of America is for citizens only! Everyone else OUT.
Criminalize asking party affilation for voter registration! End the "two party system"!
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