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Old 12-18-2009, 03:01 PM is offline
Join Date: Oct 2009
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Originally Posted by Ole Glory View Post
O M G That is really bad, however, that won't stop me.

Can you top this?

Question: How was the Grand Canyon formed?

Answer: A Jew dropped a penny down a gofer hole.

Oh, pleeeeeaaase ...

You're a piker in comparison to me. Lawyer jokes rank up there somewhere just above knock knock questions in terms of offensiveness.

Face it, the utterly irredeemable stuff I wrote in my last post blows your stuff out of the water. I just made mockery of one of the worst crimes in human history, and treated the unbelievable suffering of innocents as though it was somehow fit for "humor." I should be royally ashamed that my soul can be that black.

However, you and Phil are missing the silver lining to all of this. You notice that depictions of Barack Obama shining shoes seem endlessly tame in comparison now?

My work here is done! Well, almost.

Question: What does a Jewish girl make for dinner?

Answer: Reservations.
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