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Old 12-18-2009, 02:01 PM
LAPhil LAPhil is offline
Continent Thief
Join Date: Oct 2009
Location: Tralfamador
Posts: 454

Originally Posted by Kathy63 View Post
Examine your statement a bit.

When was the last time you saw a group of white folk come out in support of the KKK or skinheads like you see minority communities come out in support of the WORST criminals among them?

Minorities aren't responsible for criminals who share their ethnic or racial identity but they are ABSOLUTELY responsible for their OWN behavior in supporting these criminals.

Why did the Christian/Newsom killers get such support? Why did the black community in Long Beach threaten the city until the gang that beat up those white girls was released? Why did Tookie Williams get a televised state funeral?

Can you see whites supporting Timothy McVeigh? Ted Bundy? Any criminal based on skin color alone????

No. Because that would make us sympathetic to the worst among us. By legitimizing and accepting such behavior we'd be no better than them.

You can count on the fingers of one had the black leaders who speak up. And you can count them ALL slapped down again by their own people.
I'll concede the part of your point about how minorities who do not commit criminal behavior but support others who do simply because they belong to that minority are partially responsible for the crime in their communities. However, you also need to consider the fact that there are many blacks and Hispanics who do not condone the behavior under any circumstances. I don't think they need the additional burden of rooting out crime in their own communities, which is the job of law enforcement, when they are already being stereotyped as being prone to crime. It doesn't seem fair to further penalize the honest, law-abiding citizens in the minority communities just because there also happen to be a lot of bad apples in the group.

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