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Old 04-12-2015, 10:38 AM
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ilbegone ilbegone is offline
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Originally Posted by Jeanfromfillmore View Post
I am just so amazed at how little the left cares about all the damage he has done and continues to do. If you voted for him, shame on you. But if you voted for him a second time, you are to blame along with Obama.
I don't think the true progressive believer followers see it, and for many of them it is a matter of "us" and "them", with "them" being evil, oppressive minions of Wall Street. They don't know that the "elite" of their own ideology have their net worths wrapped up in Wall Street investments and real estate holdings, with many having their income bolstered through capitalistic family businesses with their wealth sheltered from taxation. This seems to be the norm except for an extreme minority of progressive ideologues like Senator Boxer, who appears to want to shield HER capital from all comers by having her modest wealth squirreled away in a trust.

It's certainly a non sequiter for the wealthy to rail against the wealthy and, calling for redistribution of wealth, shield their own wealth from redistribution.

I formerly would have thought this to be a wacko idea, but the more of this sort of thing I become aware of, the more I think the wealthy progressive elite want to establish a privileged oligarchy enjoying complete control over society, which milks society to their own narcissistic benefit. It now appears to me that there is a real effort to destroy elements of our society that would support resistance to statist totalitarianism.

A true progressive believer is a "useful idiot" dupe, entirely impervious to reason.
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